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Friday, September 17, 2010


  1. New phylogenetic analysis of the family elephantidae based on cranial-dental morphology.
    Anat Rec (Hoboken), 293(1): 74-90.  [Full-text]
  2. Qualitative comparison of the cranio-dental osteology of the extant elephants, Elephas Maximus (Asian elephant) and Loxodonta africana (African elephant).
    Anat Rec (Hoboken), 293(1): 62-73.  [Full-text]
  3. Dental caries risk studies revisited: causal approaches needed for future inquiries.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 6(12): 2992-3009.  [Full-text]
  4. Women's attitudes to and perceptions of oral health and dental care during pregnancy.
    J Perinat Med, 38(1): 3-8.  [Full-text]
  5. Young people's esthetic perception of dental midline deviation.
    Angle Orthod, 80(3): 515-20.  [Full-text]
  6. An assessment of the dental health of chronic institutionalized patients with psychiatric disease in Israel.
    Spec Care Dentist, 30(1): 18-22.  [Full-text]
  7. Hurler syndrome: a case report of a 5-year follow-up of dental findings after bone marrow transplantation.
    Spec Care Dentist, 30(1): 14-7.  [Full-text]
  8. Complications associated with anesthesia administration for dental treatment in a special needs clinic.
    Spec Care Dentist, 30(1): 3-7.  [Full-text]
  9. Targeting school-based dental sealant programs: who is at "higher risk?"
    J Public Health Dent.  [Full-text]
  10. Increased occurrence of dental anomalies associated with infraocclusion of deciduous molars.
    Angle Orthod, 80(3): 440-5.  [Full-text]
  11. Assessment of factors associated with dental caries in rural communities in Rakai District, Uganda.
    Clin Oral Investig.  [Full-text]
  12. The Akhonya Dental Project: a new charity aiming to provide oral health education and preventative care in Kenya.
    Br Dent J, 208(1): 39-40.  [Full-text]
  13. Developing guidelines for postgraduate dental educators in the UK.
    Br Dent J, 208(1): 19-23.  [Full-text]
  14. Embedding implants in undergraduate dental education.
    Br Dent J, 208(1): 9-10.  [Full-text]
  15. Public awareness and social acceptability of dental therapists.
    Br Dent J, 208(1): E2; discussion 16-7.  [Full-text]
  16. The use of clinical photography by UK general dental practitioners.
    Br Dent J, 208(1): E1; discussion 14-5.  [Full-text]
  17. Remembering and repeating childhood dental treatment experiences: parents, their children, and barriers to dental care.
    Int J Paediatr Dent, 20(1): 50-8.  [Full-text]
  18. Adrenomedullin is expressed during rodent dental tissue development and promotes cell growth and mineralization.
    Biol Cell, 102(3): 145-57.  [Full-text]
  19. A comparison of inhalation sedation agents in the management of children receiving dental treatment: a randomized, controlled, cross-over pilot trial.
    Int J Paediatr Dent, 20(1): 65-75.  [Full-text]
  20. Dental caries risk indicators among Australian Aboriginal young adults.
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol.  [Full-text]
  21. Dental enamel EPR dosimetry: comparative testing of the spectra processing methods for determination of radiation-induced signal amplitude.
    Health Phys, 98(2): 345-51.  [Full-text]
  22. Water sorption and diffusion coefficient through an experimental dental resin.
    J Mater Sci Mater Med, 21(1): 67-72.  [Full-text]
  23. Dental Erosion Protection by Fermented Shrimp Paste in Acidic Food.
    Caries Res, 44(1): 20-23.  [Full-text]
  24. A group of general dental practitioners' views of preformed metal crowns after participation in the Hall technique clinical trial: a mixed-method evaluation.
    Prim Dent Care, 17(1): 33-7.  [Full-text]
  25. Dental health and management for children with congenital heart disease.
    Prim Dent Care, 17(1): 21-5.  [Full-text]
  26. A study of patient attitudes towards fasting prior to intravenous sedation for dental treatment in a dental hospital department.
    Prim Dent Care, 17(1): 5-11.  [Full-text]
  27. TNF-alpha upregulates expression of BMP-2 and BMP-3 genes in the rat dental follicle--implications for tooth eruption.
    Connect Tissue Res, 51(1): 59-66.  [Full-text]
  28. Copper release from dental prosthetic crowns, dental materials, and human teeth into acetic acid.
    Connect Tissue Res, 51(1): 31-5.  [Full-text]
  29. Public school educator's knowledge of initial management of dental trauma.
    Dent Traumatol.  [Full-text]
  30. Exploring factors associated with traumatic dental injuries in preschool children: a Poisson regression analysis.
    Dent Traumatol.  [Full-text]
  31. An evaluation of the Periotest((R)) method as a tool for monitoring tooth mobility in dental traumatology.
    Dent Traumatol.  [Full-text]
  32. A national study on the attitudes of Irish dental faculty members to faculty development.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 14(1): 43-9.  [Full-text]
  33. Proposed requirements for a European Doctorate in Dentistry: a discussion document prepared by a special interest group under the auspices of the Association for Dental Education in Europe.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 14(1): 35-42.  [Full-text]
  34. Problem-based learning in postgraduate dental education: a qualitative evaluation of students' experience of an orthodontic problem-based postgraduate programme.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 14(1): 26-34.  [Full-text]
  35. Attitudes of Italian dental and dental hygiene students toward tobacco-use cessation.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 14(1): 17-25.  [Full-text]
  36. Student perspectives and opinions on their experience at an undergraduate outreach dental teaching centre at Cardiff: a 5-year study.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 14(1): 12-6.  [Full-text]
  37. Predicting dental school performance based on prior dental experience and exposure.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 14(1): 1-6.  [Full-text]
  38. A randomized clinical 1-year trial comparing two types of non-submerged dental implants.
    Clin Oral Implants Res, 21(2): 228-36.  [Full-text]
  39. Evaluation of osteoblastic activity around dental implants using bone scintigraphy.
    Clin Oral Implants Res, 21(2): 209-12.  [Full-text]
  40. Bactericidal effects of different laser systems on bacteria adhered to dental implant surfaces: an in vitro study comparing zirconia with titanium.
    Clin Oral Implants Res.  [Full-text]
  41. Early loading of implants with fixed dental prostheses in edentulous mandibles: 4.5-year clinical results from a prospective study.
    Clin Oral Implants Res.  [Full-text]
  42. Transference of virtual planning and planning over biomedical prototypes for dental implant placement using guided surgery.
    Clin Oral Implants Res.  [Full-text]
  43. Oral health-related quality of life and dental status in an outpatient psychiatric population: a multivariate approach.
    Int J Ment Health Nurs, 19(1): 62-70.  [Full-text]
  44. Dental abnormalities associated with X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in dogs.
    Orthod Craniofac Res, 13(1): 40-7.  [Full-text]
  45. Systematic review of primary osseointegrated dental implants in head and neck oncology.
    Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg.  [Full-text]
  46. Activated platelets increase proliferation and protein synthesis of human dental pulp-derived cells.
    Int Endod J, 43(2): 115-24.  [Full-text]
  47. The effect of dentine-bonding agents on substance P release in human dental pulp.
    Int Endod J, 43(2): 95-101.  [Full-text]
  48. Induced DNA damage by dental resin monomers in somatic cells.
    Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol, 106(2): 124-9.  [Full-text]
  49. Differential effects of growth differentiation factor-5 on porcine dental papilla- and follicle-derived cells.
    Growth Factors, 28(1): 56-65.  [Full-text]
  50. Referral patterns of Dutch general dental practitioners to orthodontic specialists.
    Eur J Orthod.  [Full-text]
  51. Changes in admission rates for spreading odontogenic infection resulting from changes in government policy about the dental schedule and remunerations.
    Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg.  [Full-text]
  52. Investigation into the optimum beam shape and fluence for selective ablation of dental calculus at lambda = 400 nm.
    Lasers Surg Med, 42(1): 51-61.  [Full-text]
  53. Evaluation of the mechanical properties of dental adhesives and glass-ionomer cements.
    Clin Oral Investig, 14(1): 79-87.  [Full-text]
  54. Analysis and detection of dental prescribing errors at primary health care units in Brazil.
    Pharm World Sci, 32(1): 30-5.  [Full-text]
  55. Isolation and in vitro characterisation of dental pulp stem cells from natal teeth.
    Histochem Cell Biol, 133(1): 95-112.  [Full-text]
  56. Contradictions in the treatment of traumatic dental injuries and ways to proceed in dental trauma research.
    Dent Traumatol, 26(1): 16-22.  [Full-text]
  57. Fracture behaviour of implant-implant- and implant-tooth-supported all-ceramic fixed dental prostheses utilising zirconium dioxide implant abutments.
    Clin Oral Investig.  [Full-text]
  58. Fluoride toothpastes of different concentrations for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents.
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev.  [Full-text]
  59. Topical fluoride as a cause of dental fluorosis in children.
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev.  [Full-text]
  60. Development of a new dental panoramic radiographic system based on a tomosynthesis method.
    Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 39(1): 47-53.  [Full-text]
  61. Pose determination of a cylindrical (dental) implant in three-dimensions from a single two-dimensional radiograph.
    Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 39(1): 33-41.  [Full-text]
  62. Modulation transfer function evaluation of cone beam computed tomography for dental use with the oversampling method.
    Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 39(1): 28-32.  [Full-text]
  63. Traumatic dental injuries in primary dentition: epidemiological study among preschool children in South Brazil.
    Dent Traumatol.  [Full-text]
  64. The effect of short dental trauma lecture on knowledge of high-risk population: an intervention study of 336 young adults.
    Dent Traumatol, 26(1): 86-9.  [Full-text]
  65. Retrospective study on traumatic dental injuries in preschool children at Kyung Hee Dental Hospital, Seoul, South Korea.
    Dent Traumatol, 26(1): 70-5.  [Full-text]
  66. In vitro comparison of the flexibility of different splint systems used in dental traumatology.
    Dent Traumatol, 26(1): 30-6.  [Full-text]
  67. Visualization of osseointegration of maxilla and mandible dental implants.
    Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg, 5(1): 69-76.  [Full-text]
  68. The Differentiation and Gene Expression Profile of Human Dental Follicle Cells.
    Stem Cells Dev.  [Full-text]
  69. Factors associated with inter-municipality differences in dental caries experience among Danish adolescents. An ecological study.
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 38(1): 29-42.  [Full-text]
  70. Why do adults entitled to free or highly subsidized dental services select fully out-of-pocket-paid care?
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 38(1): 88-95.  [Full-text]
  71. PUFA--an index of clinical consequences of untreated dental caries.
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 38(1): 77-82.  [Full-text]
  72. Actuarial life-table analysis of lower impacted wisdom teeth in general dental practice.
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 38(1): 58-67.  [Full-text]
  73. The effects of lavender scent on dental patient anxiety levels: a cluster randomised-controlled trial.
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 38(1): 83-7.  [Full-text]
  74. Swine-origin H1N1 influenza A virus and dental practice: a critical review.
    Clin Oral Investig, 14(1): 11-7.  [Full-text]
  75. Dental aesthetics as an expression of culture and ritual.
    Br Dent J, 208(2): 77-80.  [Full-text]
  76. New discoveries and directions for medical, dental and dental hygiene research: low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma.
    Int J Dent Hyg, 8(1): 10-5.  [Full-text]
  77. Epithelial cell pro-inflammatory cytokine response differs across dental plaque bacterial species.
    J Clin Periodontol, 37(1): 24-9.  [Full-text]
  78. Bonding between titanium and dental porcelain: A systematic review.
    Acta Odontol Scand.  [Full-text]
  79. Flemish general dental practitioners' knowledge of dental radiology.
    Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 39(2): 113-8.  [Full-text]
  80. Evaluation of fermented milk containing probiotic on dental enamel and biofilm: in situ study.
    Arch Oral Biol, 55(1): 29-33.  [Full-text]
  81. Hard tissue-forming potential of stem/progenitor cells in human dental follicle and dental papilla.
    Arch Oral Biol, 55(1): 68-76.  [Full-text]
  82. Dental implants in the periodontal patient.
    Dent Clin North Am, 54(1): 113-28.  [Full-text]
  83. Corrosion of phosphate-enriched titanium oxide surface dental implants (TiUnite) under in vitro inflammatory and hyperglycemic conditions.
    J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 92(2): 525-34.  [Full-text]
  84. Mandibular bone remodeling induced by dental implant.
    J Biomech, 43(2): 287-93.  [Full-text]
  85. Dental glass-reinforced composite for caries inhibition: calcium phosphate ion release and mechanical properties.
    J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 92(2): 332-40.  [Full-text]
  86. Mechanical stress promotes odontoblastic differentiation via the heme oxygenase-1 pathway in human dental pulp cell line.
    Life Sci, 86(3): 107-14.  [Full-text]
  87. Bone remodeling induced by dental implants of functionally graded materials.
    J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 92(2): 430-8.  [Full-text]
  88. Accuracy of a new ring-opening metathesis elastomeric dental impression material with spray and immersion disinfection.
    J Prosthet Dent, 103(1): 23-30.  [Full-text]
  89. Induction of DNA double-strand breaks in primary gingival fibroblasts by exposure to dental resin composites.
    Biomaterials, 31(8): 2010-4.  [Full-text]
  90. The influence of dental caries on body growth in prepubertal children.
    Clin Oral Investig.  [Full-text]
  91. Viridans streptococcal (Streptococcus intermedius) mitral valve subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) in a patient with mitral valve prolapse after a dental procedure: the importance of antibiotic prophylaxis.
    Heart Lung, 39(1): 64-72.  [Full-text]

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